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The Light That Burns Twice As Bright Lasts Half As Long, And You Have Burned So Very, Very Bright, Roy!
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The light that burns twice as bright lasts half as long,
and you have burned so very, very bright, Roy!
-- Doctor Eldon Tyrell, in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner
I want more life, fucker! -- Roy Batty, in Ridley Scott's Blade Runne
The light that burns twice as brightly burns half as long. You have a long life ahead of you.
I only designed your eyes. You must talk to Tyrell. He designed your mind. -- Blade Runne
What do a Soviet emigre and a fifteen-watt light bulb have in common?
Neither one is very bright....
You are in a very, *very* strange room. The whole atmosphere seems to be be crawling with a powerful force.
At the north end of the room a fiercely fiercely bright light can be seen....
The Marines: The few, the proud, the not very bright.
Advisor: Little girl, do you think you can memorize this by dinnertime tomorrow?
Lisa: "Mr. Burns: your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train....
Blake would've been proud of you, you know.... -- Vila I know, but then he never was very bright.
... -- Avo...