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There Is Just One Thing I Can Promise You About The Outer-space Program
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There is just one thing I can promise you about the outer-space program:
Your tax dollar will go farther.
-- Werner von Braun
Once they go up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department. -- Werner von Brau
Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Werner von Brau
Science does not have a moral dimension. It is like a knife.
If you give it to a surgeon or a murderer, each will use it differently. -- Werner von Brau...
Basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing.
-- Werner von Braun -- A Random Walk in Science compiled by R. L. Weber, edited by E. Mendoza...
So you're from outer space!" "Actually, I'm from Iowa
I just WORK in outer space." -- Captain Kirk on careers -- Star Trek IV...
Man belongs wherever he wants to go. -- Wernher von Brau
I dislike letters from Inland Revenue that end "your obedient servant.
And that space on every income tax form which says, "Do not write in this space....
The best computer is a man, and it's the only one that can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.
-- Wernher Von Braun when asked if man can be replaced -- by computer in spacefligh...