There's Antimony Arsenic Aluminum Selenium And Hydrogen And Oxygen And Nitrogen And Rhenium And Nickel Neodymium Neptunium Germanium And Iron Americium Ruthenium Uranium Europium Zirconium Lutetium Vanadium And Lanthanum And Osmium And Astatine And Radium And Gold And Protactinium And Indium And Gallium And Iodine And Thorium And Thulium And Thallium There's Yttrium Ytterbium Actinium Rubidium And Boron Gadolinium Niobium Iridium And Strontium And Silicon And Silver Samarium And Bismuth Bromine Lithium Beryllium And Barium Isn't That Interesting?

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There's antimony arsenic aluminum selenium
and hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium
and nickel neodymium neptunium germanium
and iron americium ruthenium uranium
europium zirconium lutetium vanadium
and lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium
and gold and protactinium and indium and gallium
and iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium
There's yttrium ytterbium actinium rubidium
and boron gadolinium niobium iridium
and strontium and silicon and silver samarium
and bismuth bromine lithium beryllium and barium
Isn't that interesting? I knew you would.
I hope you're all taking notes because there's gonna be a short quiz
next period.
-- "the elements" by Tom Lehrer. [part 1]
