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The Size Of A Mega Byte Of Storage Depends On Whether You Are Entering Data Or Writing A Program To Fit In It.
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The size of a mega byte of storage depends on whether you are entering data
or writing a program to fit in it.
Data, data everywhere, and not a byte to ea
gillion /gil'y*n/ or /jil'y*n/ n. [formed from giga- by analogy with mega/million and tera/trillion] 10^9.
Same as an American billion or a British `milliard'....
gillion: /gil'y*n/ or /jil'y*n/ [formed from {giga-} by analogy with mega/million and tera/trillion] n.
10^9. Same as an American billion or a British `milliard'....
You know very well that whether you are on page one or page thirty depends on whether [the press] fear you.
It is just as simple as that. -- Richard Nixo...
Hadley's Second Law of Clothing Shopping: If you like it and it's in your size, it doesn't fit anyway.
Maybe life is a grindstone; whether it polishes you or wears you down depends on what you're made of.
-- Kay Fletche...
The fascination of shooting as a sport depends on whether you are at the right or the wrong end of the gun.
-- P. G. Wodehouse...
If the data doesn't fit the theory, fix the data.
Database Manager - A program that allows the user to manipulate data in every conceivable way except the absolutely essential one he or she conceives of the day after entering 20 Megabytes of raw data.
-- From the Government Computer News, November 21, 1988 Issue...