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Three Out Of Five People Aren't The Other Two.
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Three out of five people aren't the other two.
Psychiatrists tell us one out of every five people is completely disturbed.
And the reason is the other four are nuts. -- Dave Asto...
Arthur pulls Pin out. The MONK blesses the grenade as .
.. ARTHUR: (quietly) One, two, five ... GALAHAD: Three, sir!...
In any group of five people, one will be confused, one will be conniving, one will be honest, and two will be trying like hell to figure out where they fit in this group.
Five out of four people have problems with fractions.
A reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20
Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy....
Two and two continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five.
-- James McNeill Whistle...
demoparty n. [demoscene] Aboveground descendant of the copyparty, with emphasis shifted away from software piracy and towards compos.
Smaller demoparties, for 100 persons or less, are held quite often, sometimes even once a month, and usually last for one to two days....
Four out of five people think the fifth one is an idiot.