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VAXen: /vak'sn/ [from `oxen', Perhaps Influenced By `vixen'] N.
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:VAXen: /vak'sn/ [from `oxen', perhaps influenced by `vixen'] n.
(alt. `vaxen') The plural canonically used among hackers for the
DEC VAX computers. "Our installation has four PDP-10s and twenty
vaxen." See {boxen}.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
VAXen: /vak'sn/ [from `oxen', perhaps influenced by `vixen'] n.
(alt. `vaxen') The plural canonically used among hackers for the DEC VAX computers....
boxen: /bok'sn/ [by analogy with {VAXen}] pl.n. Fanciful plural of {box} often encountered in the phrase `UNIX boxen', used to describe commodity {{UNIX}} hardware.
The connotation is that any two UNIX boxen are interchangeable. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
worm: [from `tapeworm' in John Brunner's novel "The Shockwave Rider", via XEROX PARC] n.
A program that propagates itself over a network, reproducing itself as it goes....
boxen /bok'sn/ pl.n. [very common; by analogy with VAXen] Fanciful plural of box often encountered in the phrase `Unix boxen', used to describe commodity Unix hardware.
The connotation is that any two Unix boxen are interchangeable....
VAXectomy: /vak-sek't*-mee/ [by analogy with `vasectomy'] n.
A VAX removal. DEC's Microvaxen, especially, are much slower than newer RISC-based workstations such as the SPARC....
bogon filter: /boh'gon fil'tr/ n. Any device, software or hardware, that limits or suppresses the flow and/or emission of bogons.
"Engineering hacked a bogon filter between the Cray and the VAXen, and now we're getting fewer dropped packets....
BITNET: /bit'net/ [acronym: Because It's Time NETwork] n.
Everybody's least favorite piece of the network (see {network, the})....
bixen pl.n. Users of BIX (the BIX Information eXchange, formerly the Byte Information eXchange).
Parallels other plurals like boxen, VAXen, oxen....
vaxherd /vaks'herd/ n. obs. [from `oxherd'] A VAX operator.
The image is reinforced because VAXen actually did tend to come in herds, technically known as `clusters'....