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What A Pinhead! Does He Not Fear Us?!" -- "Sam And Max", Freelance Police
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"What a pinhead! Does he not fear us?!"
-- "Sam and Max", Freelance Police
Spontaneous combustion! What a stroke of luck! -- "Sam and Max", Freelance Police
Flint Paper is insane. I really respect that." -- "Sam and Max", Freelance Police
I feel lightheaded, Sam. I think my brain is out of air.
But it's kind of a neat feeling. -- Sam and Max, Freelance Police...
Hey, Max -- Wake up! You're missing all the fun!" "What?
"A seven-foot specter of evil appeared in front of the car, so I ran over it....
I can't think of anything more relaxing than being locked in a moving car with YOU for about 300 hours, little pal.
"That's really sweet, Sam. I may weep openly." -- "Sam and Max", Freelance Police...
How was it, little buddy?" "It was dark, like a cave, and there were no toilets -- just black, smoking holes in the walls and floor!
Giant roaches howled like damned souls as they skittered along the mouldered grout-work!...
A man who keeps stealing mopeds is an obvious cycle-path.
A man pleaded innocent of any wrong doing when caught by the police during a raid at the home of a mobster, excusing himself by claiming that he was making a bolt for the door....
We must teach him, Max! Hey, where do you *keep* that gun?
"None of your damn business, Sam." -- The superbly loony "Sam and Max...
How many freelance biotechnologists -- does it take to change a light bulb?
One; he designs the bulb to crawl up the wall, unscrew the old one and screw itself in....