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When I Get A Bird I'm Naming It Jean-Luc Peckhard.
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When I get a bird I'm naming it Jean-Luc Peckhard.
I do know a few things about anatomy, Jean-Luc. -- Beverly
Q: "I knew I could count on you, Jean-Luc." -- "True Q", Stardate 46192.3
I am Jean-Luc...Picard. -- Picard to Nuria, "Who Watches the Watchers, stardate 43173.5
Picard: "Shuttle occupant, identify yourself." Q: "Don't try and talk me out of it, Jean-Luc.
Picard: "Q, return to the ship immediately!" Q: "I just can't get used to following orders....
Hayden: "Jean-Luc, I don't have to tell you the Federation is not prepared for a new sustained conflict.
You *must* preserve the peace, no matter what the cost." -- "The Wounded", Stardate 44429.6...
Picard: "I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the Federation Starship Enterprise.
Cytherian: "Hierarchical collective command structure!...
Hansen: "Lieutenant, a few years ago, I watched a freshman cadet pass four upperclassmen on the last hill of the forty-kilometer run at Delulin II.
The damnest thing I ever saw, the only freshman to ever win the Academy Marathon....
Q: "Truthfully, Jean-Luc, I've been entirely preoccupied by a most *frightening* experience of my on.
A couple of hours ago, I realized that my body was no longer functioning properly....
Yar: "Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I wish I could say you've been like a father to me, but I've never had one so I don't know what it feels like.
But if there was one person in this universe who I would choose to be like, someone who I would want to make proud of me, it's you....