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While The People Try To Determine What The Candidate Stands For, He Candidate Tries To Determine What The People Will Stand For.
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While the people try to determine what the candidate stands for,
he candidate tries to determine what the people will stand for.
-- Zabel's Political Observation
A political campaign is when the candidate tells what he stands for and the election is when the voters tell if they can stand for his being elected.
A diagnosis is what happens when the doctor tries to determine the condition of your pocketbook before he makes the determination of how sick to make you.
What they said: What they meant: "I recommend this candidate with no qualifications whatsoever.
(Yes, that about sums it up.) "The amount of mathematics she knows will surprise you....
People keep asking, what must I do to be a candidate for Vice President, and I keep telling them.
Are you trying to determine what is under the floor?
It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember.
-- Eugene McCarthy...
That's the problem with believing in a supernatural being.
Trying to determine what he wants. -- Troi, "Who Watches the Watchers, stardate 43173.5...
Martia: "I can't make it alone. And you're the likeliest candidate to come in this hell-hole for months.
Kirk: "Candidate for what?" -- "STVI:TUC", Stardate 9523.8...
Project: To determine what makes things tick. Plan: stop the ticking.