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Whose Undertakings Are All Devoid Of Desires And Purpose, And Whose Actions Have Been Burnt By Fire-of-knowledge, Him The Wise Call A Sage.
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Whose undertakings are all devoid of desires and purpose, and whose
actions have been burnt by fire-of-knowledge, him the wise call a sage.
-- Gita, Chapter 4, Verse 19.
Call him Wise whose actions, words, and steps are all a clear Because to a clear Why. -- Lavate
The wise see knowledge and action as one; they see truly. -- Bhagava Gita
Whose lines are mottoes of the heart, Whose truths electrify the sage.
-- Thomas Campbell (1777-1844) -- Ode to the Memory of Bu...
NOSE, n. The extreme outpost of the face. From the circumstance that great conquerors have great noses, Getius, whose writings antedate the age of humor, calls the nose the organ of quell.
It has been observed that one's nose is never so happy as when thrust into the affairs of others, from which some physiologists have drawn the inference that the nose is devoid of the sense of smell....
CERBERUS, n. The watch-dog of Hades, whose duty it was to guard the entrance -- against whom or what does not clearly appea
everybody, sooner or later, had to go there, and nobody wanted to carry off the entrance....
Whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame.
-- New Testament -- Philippians iii 19...
He is at no end of his actions blest Whose ends will make him greatest, and not best.
-- George Chapman (1557-1634) -- Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, Act v, Sc. 1...
No, 't is slander, Whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue Outvenoms all the worms of Nile, whose breath Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie All corners of the world.
-- William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Cymbeline -- Act iii, Sc. 4...
This fortune is dedicated to your mother, without whose invaluable assistance last night would never have been possible.