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Why Didn't We Do This Six Years Ago? "We Were Not Ready.
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Why didn't we do this six years ago?
"We were not ready."
I was.
"No. We were both too young, too unaware. We lacked commitment."
Perhaps we lacked the courage as well.
-- K'Ehleyr and Worf, "The Emissary", stardate 42901.3
Riker: "The remains of another ship." LaForge: "It's a good possibility.
Worf: "Or perhaps, we were engaged in battle."" -- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2...
Perhaps we are wiser, less selfish and more far-seeing than we were two hundred years ago.
But we are still imperfectly all these good things, and since the turn of the century it has been remarked that neither wisdom nor virtue have increased as rapidly as the need for both....
Locutus: "Worf, Klingon species, a warrior race. You too will be assimilated.
Worf: "The Klingon Empire will never yield!" Locutu...
Harris had the beefstead pie between his knees, and was carving it, and George and I were waiting with our plates ready.
"Have you got a spoon there?" says Harris; "I want a spoon to help the gravy with....
Worf: "Now we are ready." Picard: "Question is, for what?" -- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2
MacDuff: "Memory or no, it seems clear that you and I were born for battle.
.. more so than the others." Worf: "I thought this as well....
Worf: "As soon as the ship is operational, we must make it combat-ready.
Picard: "Well, I would recommend that before we prepare for combat we try to access the ship's logs, find out who we are, what our purpose here might be....
We could have saved [the Earth] but we were too damned cheap. -- Kurt Vonnegu
Aelborne: "Captain, since it is too late for you to escape, perhaps we should do something about protecting you.
-- "Errand Of Mercy", Stardate 3198.4...