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Avoid Administrators. Skim The Required Reading. Skip Everything Else.
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Avoid administrators.
Skim the required reading. Skip everything else.
Write vague, spineless papers.
-- Rules for College Survival
Linux Dominates Academic Research A recent survey of colleges and high school reveals that Linux, Open Source Software, and Microsoft are favorite topics for research projects.
Internet Censorship, a popular topic for the past two years, was supplanted by Biology of Penguins as another of this year's most popular subjects for research papers....
I think college administrators should encourage students to urinate on walls and bushe
because then when students from another college come sniffing around, they'll know this is someone else's territory....
Please avoid reading this sentence.
Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions 1) If you must make a decision, delay it.
2) If you can authorize someone else to avoid a decision, do so....
MS decided that in NZ, they'd skip to DOS 7 (to avoid sux)!
Nerd 2: What are you going to do, Mr. Simpson? Home
Actually, I've been working on a plan. During the exam, I'll hide under some coats, and hope that somehow everything will work out....
The office space and salaries of college administrators are in inverse proportion to those of the instructors.
-- M. M. Johnsto...
Avoid cliches like the plague. -- Grammar rules for the unenlightened
Be vague... be very vague.