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You Are What You Are And Little Can Be Gained By Making A Fool Of Yourself Trying To Be Someone Else, Someone You Are Not.
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You are what you are and little can be gained by making a fool of yourself
trying to be someone else, someone you are not. Be true to yourself.
Never commit yourself! Let someone else commit you.
Believe in yourself ... reach for things that no one else thought you could.
Be the best person that you can be. Don't be limited by someone else's standards....
Marge: I'm worried that you're making too big a deal of this silly little kiddie golf tournament.
Homer: But Marge, but this is our big chance to show up the Flandereses....
If you want someone to keep a secret, keep it yourself.
What position are you trying to work yourself into?
You can always get someone to love you - even if you have to do it yourself.
Arthur's Laws of Love: 1. People to whom you are attracted invariably think you remind them of someone else.
2. The love letter you finally got the courage to send will be delayed in the mail long enough for you to make a fool of yourself in person....