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You Know, All Of These Rules That May Be Completely Correct For Normal People, Make No Sense For Prodigies.
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You know, all of these rules that may be completely correct for
normal people, make no sense for prodigies. To say that Bach should
pay any attention to how he was socially adjusted is just a bad joke.
-- Paul Erdos
The ABCs of Appliance Repair: a) At the first sign of electrical or mechanical trouble, gently wipe the outside of the appliance with a damp cloth.
This should correct the problem. b) If that doesn't work, don't do anything....
Are you a parent? Do you sometimes find yourself unsure as to what to say in those awkward situations?
Worry no more... Are you sure you're telling the truth?...
aga n. [WPI] A cuspy but bogus raving story about N random broken people.
Here is a classic example of the saga form, as told by Guy L....
All men should freely use those seven words which have the power to make any marriage run smoothly
You know dear, you may be right....
LaForge: "Commander, the transporter is still online.
It's being fed power from the auxillary systems....
Crowd: Two! Four! Six! Eight! Homer's crime was very great!
[pause] "Great" meaning "large" or "immense", We use it in the pejorative sense!...
Doll: Trust in yourself and you can achieve anything!
Lisa: All right. Now all we need is a name. Ba...
MONASH UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CENTRE - MODEM DIAL-UP SERVICES Users of the Greater Monash University can now access the computer systems via modems 24 hours except when they are out of order.
All four campuses are equipped with dial-in lines which under normal circumstances should be either engaged or not operational....
How many University of Washington Husky football fans (or any over-the-top sports fans who pay way way too much attention to minutia surrounding "their" team) -- does it take to change a light bulb?
A million and one. One to hold the old bulb, and the rest to all try and make the world revolve around it....