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You're listening to KPLA, Klingon radio: All glory, all the time!
Radio KPLA: All Klingon opera, all the time.
K'Mpec: "'All for the glory of the Klingon Empire'.
..that should be my epitaph." -- "Reunion", Stardate unknow...
Hello, this is God. Whenever I'm in Pittsburgh -- which is all the time, since I'm omnipresent -- I listen to all the radio stations at once, including WRCT.
-- Radio advertisement for WRCT Radio...
WYMI - the all-philosophy radio station.
But in calling Moriarty a criminal you are uttering libel in the eyes of the law, and there lies the glory and the wonder of it.
The greatest schemer of all time, the organizer of every devilry, the controlling brain of the underworld....
How do you stun a Klingon? Give 'em the bill for all that ghak they ate.
This is KBBL talk radio, K-Babble. All talk, 24 hours a day.
If you'd like to share your embarrassing problem with our listening audience, we invite you to call our therapist of the airwaves, Dr....
WORF Radio: Honorable music with a Klingon beat!
All you Klingons, you want to ravage helpless Earthwomen.
Brute." -- They really should have named this, "I Married a Klingon." -- From DC's STAR TREK...