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You've Got To Have An Ace In The Hole.
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You've got to have an ace in the hole.
GREAT LOWER -- An ace in the hole.
Guru Saj: You must be Ross. Ross: Hi. Guru Saj: I am Guru Saj.
(takes the drawer back and replaces) Ross: Listen, I got to tell you I_ve-I_ve never been to a guru before, so....
With a little luck, there's no reason why you can't live to be one hundred.
Once you 've done that, you've got it made, because very few people die over one hundred....
A diplomat is a man who says you have an open mind, instead of telling you that you have a hole in the head.
It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole!
Once I was sick, and I had to go to an ear, nose, and throat man to get well.
There are ear doctors, nose doctors, throat doctors, gynecologists, proctologists--any place you got a hole there's a guy who specializes in your hole....
0359 Have you ever found a sendmail bug? 0360 ... Was it a security hole? -- from THE HACKER TEST
Zweig: Marge, there's no simple explanation for your fear of flying.
But it can probably be traced to some childhood trauma....
Gabbin' about God, sponsored by Ace Religious Supply, where they say, "If we don't got it, it ain't holy.
-- Or kosher, as appropriate, "Like Father, Like Clow...