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Rules For Driving In New York: (1) Anything Done While Honking Your Horn Is Legal.
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Rules for driving in New York:
(1) Anything done while honking your horn is legal.
(2) You may park anywhere if you turn your four-way flashers
(3) A red light means the next six cars may go through the
Rules for driving in New York: (1) Anything done while honking your horn is legal.
(2) You may park anywhere if you turn your four-way flashers on....
Pittsburgh driver's test 2: A traffic light at an intersection changes from yellow to red, you should a) stop immediately.
b) proceed slowly through the intersection. c) blow the horn....
Half-done: This is the best way to eat a kosher dill -- when it's still crunchy, light green, yet full of garlic flavor.
The difference between this and the typical soggy dark green cucumber corpse is like the difference between life and death....
Half-done: This is the best way to eat a kosher dill -- when it's still crunchy, light green, yet full of garlic flavor.
The difference between this and the typical soggy dark green cucumber corpse is like the difference between life and death....
half-done, n: This is the best way to eat a kosher dill -- when it's still crunchy, light green, yet full of garlic flavor.
The difference between this and the typical soggy dark green cucumber corpse is like the difference between life and death....
If you are driving at the speed of light and you turn on your headlights, what happens?