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Be Ever Vigilant, Keep Your Bodies Clean And Pure, And You Will Have A Strength That Is Heaven-sent.
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Be ever vigilant, keep your bodies clean and pure, and you will have a
strength that is heaven-sent.
-- Gene Hansen, Miss. Committee
Hansen's Library Axiom: The closest library doesn't have the material you need.
The closest library doesn't have the material you need. -- Hansen's Library Axiom
If you ever have an accident, I hope you have on clean underwear.
You're driving a truck--right into another truck....
This is your home away from home; keep it clean.
If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out.
To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. Mother Teresa...
If you keep your eyes so fixed on heaven that you never look at the earth, you will stumble into hell.
-- Austin O'Malley...
Picard: "But your fight with Sarek is over, Spock. You have none with me.
Spock: "I always had a different vision than my father....
KEEP YOUR ENVIRONMENT CLEAN! Recycle your shell variables.
YOUR FOAMY FUTURE by Miss Fortune CANCER (Jun 22 - July 22) You've been awarded a clean bill of health this month and you feel you owe it all to the excessive amount of Vitamin B
Iron, and Malt you get in your beer. Being healthy is admirable but don't you think you're going to feel stupid one day lying in a hospital dying of nothing?...