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Why Are You Doing This To Me? Because Knowledge Is Torture, And There Must Be Awareness Before There Is Change.
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Why are you doing this to me?
Because knowledge is torture, and there must be awareness before
there is change.
-- Jim Starlin, "Captain Marvel", #29
Why are you doing this to me? Because knowledge is torture, and there must be awareness before there is change.
-- Jim Starlin, "Captain Marvel", #29...
Once, I read that a man be never stronger than when he truly realizes how weak he is.
-- Jim Starlin, "Captain Marvel #31...
Troi: "We don't need any more convincing. Please, obey the captain's orders.
Stop whatever it is you're doing." Barclay: "You must trust me....
Why torture yourself when life will do it for you? -- Laura Walke
What?" you cry. "Wizards sometimes must endure torture?
And it is true, for being a wizard does not exempt you from any of the trials and tribulations experienced by other humans....
Are you a parent? Do you sometimes find yourself unsure as to what to say in those awkward situations?
Worry no more... Good children always obey. Quit acting so childish....
Kirk: "Why, bless me, Doctor, what beams you into this neck of the woods?
McCoy: "Beware Romulans bearing gifts. Happy birthday, Jim....
Higher beings from outer space may not want to tell us the secrets of life, because we're not ready.
But maybe they'll change their tune after a little torture. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...