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Beware The Man Who Slaps You On The Back - He Is Probably Trying To Make You Cough Up Something.
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Beware the man who slaps you on the back -
he is probably trying to make you cough up something.
Beware the writer who always encloses the word *reality* in quotation mark
He's trying to slip something over on you. Or into you. -- Edward Abbey...
Beware the man who fears you.
He who laughs last probably made a back-up.
Guinan: "When a man is convinced he's going to die tomorrow, he'll probably find a way to make it happen.
The only one who can turn this around is you." Rike...
Ahem. This is a videotape for my daughter Maggie. Hi, Maggie!
I'm speaking to you from beyond the grave. Woooooooo!...
I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him
I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God....
Beware the man who makes cream with his mouth; he winds up making butter with his nose.
-- Babbaluche the cobble...
Anyone who tries to `enlighten' you is probably selling something. -- Jen Howard.
Beware of the Vampire Jesus--He gave his blood for you and he wants it all back now!