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Blonde Jokes Are One-liners So Men Can Understand Them.
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Blonde jokes are one-liners so men can understand them.
Why are all dumb blonde jokes one-liners? So men can remember them.
Q: What do a blonde and your computer have in common?
A: You don't know how much either of them mean to you until they go down on you....
Rudnicki's Nobel Principle: Only someone who understands something absolutely can explain it so no one else can understand it.
Three blondes are attempting to change a light bulb.
One of them decides to call 911: Blonde: We need help....
Men have never loved one another much, for reasons we can readily understand
Man is not a lovable animal. -- Edward Abbey...
One thing men can't understand about women is how well women understand men.
A problem which can not be solved is much easier to deal with than a solution which no one can understand or agree with, so leave it alone.
Only someone who understands something completely can explain it so no one else can understand it at all.
-- Mazdick's First Law of Science...
The gynecologist says, "My feet are in the stirrups, my knees are in my face, and the door is open facing me .
.. Can we talk here? Men don't understand ... For a woman to lie in those stirrups, is that the worst?...