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The Curse Of The Irish Is Not That They Don't Know The Words To A Song -- It's That They Know Them *all*.
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The curse of the Irish is not that they don't know the
words to a song -- it's that they know them *all*.
-- Susan Dooley
Quote #417 "Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
-- Susan Ertz [quoted in Larry Dossey's Healing Word...
To those who know thee not, no words can paint! And those who know thee, know all words are faint!
-- Hannah More (1745-1833) -- Sensibility...
Of all the people I know, you're one of them.
Words, words, words. And no place to put them all!
If you are to understand others, and have them understand you, know the big words but use the small ones.
You know you should be swimming when . . . At home, you close all the drapes, take off your clothes and don a pair of swim fins.
I know I'm bending the rules tonight, but I also know none of you wants that skunk Burns to take our treasure.
And I want you to know that when I die, you're all welcome to visit me in rich men's heaven....
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
-- Susan Ertz...