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The Groundhog Is Like Most Other Prophets; It Delivers Its Message And Then Disappears.
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The groundhog is like most other prophets;
it delivers its message and then disappears.
Groundhog Day has been observed only once in Los Angeles because when the groundhog came out of its hole, it was killed by a mudslide.
-- Johnny Carso...
The little bird is now dead. Its body disappears.
In the east there is a shark which is larger than all other fish.
It changes into a bird whose wings are like clouds filling the sky....
In the east there is a shark which is larger than all other fish.
It changes into a bird whose winds are like clouds filling the sky....
Lisa: It looks like a vortex. A gateway into another dimension.
Homer: Oooh, a vortex. [takes an orange and tosses it in] Catch!...
We may become the makers of our fate when we have ceased to pose as its prophets. -- Karl Poppe
black hole: n. What a piece of email or netnews has fallen into if it disappears mysteriously between its origin and destination sites (that is, without returning a {bounce message}).
I think there's a black hole at foovax!" conveys suspicion that site foovax has been dropping a lot of stuff on the floor lately (see {drop on the floor})....
THE LESSER-KNOWN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES #14 -- VALGOL VALGOL is enjoying a dramatic surge of popularity across the industry.
VALGOL commands include REALLY, LIKE, WELL, and Y*KNOW....
black hole n.,vt. [common] What data (a piece of email or netnew
or a stream of TCP/IP packets) has fallen into if it disappears mysteriously between its origin and destination sites (that is, without returning a bounce message)....