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Data: "The Captain And Many Of The Crew Are Not Yet Convinced He Is Truly Human.
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Data: "The captain and many of the crew are not yet convinced he is truly
Guinan: "Really?"
-- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Seems human enough to me. -- Guinan after stabbing Q's hand with a fork, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.
Sir, he is reading as fully human. What is there, an echo in here?
I am sensing an emotional presence, Captain. I would normally describe it as being terrified....
Guinan: "I enjoy that, and you'd better get used to it.
Q: "What?!" Guinan: "Begging! You're a pitiful excuse for a human....
Guinan: "You could learn a lot from this one." Q: "Sure, the robot who teaches the course in humanities.
Data: "I am an android, not a robot." Q: "I beg your pardon." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...
Data: "Q says he has hurt his back." Beverly: "Uh-huh." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
There are creatures in the universe who would consider you the ultimate achievement, android.
No feelings, no emotions, no pain. And yet you cover those qualities of humanity....
Help me, somebody, help me! How the mighty have fallen.
-- Q and Guinan, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1...
Just one of the boys, eh? Just one if the boys with an IQ of 2005.
-- Guinan and Q, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1...
You have brought nothing but pain and suffering to this crew and I am still not entirely convinced that all this isn't you latest attempt at a puerile joke.
It is a joke, joke on me, joke on the universe. The king who would be man....