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DEChead: /dek'hed/ N. 1. A {DEC} {field Servoid}. Not Flattering.
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:DEChead: /dek'hed/ n. 1. A {DEC} {field servoid}. Not flattering.
2. [from `deadhead'] A Grateful Dead fan working at DEC.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
dec: /dek/ v. Verbal (and only rarely written) shorthand for decrement, i.
e. `decrease by one'. Especially used by assembly programmers, as many assembly languages have a `dec' mnemonic....
digit: n. An employee of Digital Equipment Corporation.
See also {VAX}, {VMS}, {PDP-10}, {{TOPS-10}}, {DEChead}, {double DECkers}, {field circus}....
DEC /dek/ n. 1. v. Verbal (and only rarely written) shorthand for decrement, i.
e. `decrease by one'. Especially used by assembly programmers, as many assembly languages have a dec mnemonic....
field servoid: [play on `android'] /fee'ld ser'voyd/ n.
Representative of a field service organization (see {field circus})....
How many security guards at a Grateful Dead concert -- does it take to change a light bulb?
21: One to change the bulb, the rest to fatally beat the Deadhead who was only there to look at the light....
mangler: [DEC] n. A manager. Compare {mango}; see also {management}.
Note that {system mangler} is somewhat different in connotation. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
crufty: /kruhf'tee/ [origin unknown; poss. from `crusty'] adj.
1. Poorly built, possibly over-complex. The {canonical} example is "This is standard old crufty {DEC} software"....
MIPS: /mips/ [abbreviation] n. 1. A measure of computing speed
formally, `Million Instructions Per Second' (that's 10^6 per second, not 2^(20)!...
VAXen: /vak'sn/ [from `oxen', perhaps influenced by `vixen'] n.
(alt. `vaxen') The plural canonically used among hackers for the DEC VAX computers....