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Didling (participial Vb.) The Process Of Trying To Work Out Who Did It When Reading A Whodunni
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Didling (participial vb.)
The process of trying to work out who did it when reading a whodunnit,
and keeping your options open so that when you find out you can allow
yourself to think that you knew perfectly well who it was all along.
You know you should be swimming when . . . You find yourself keeping score in _Jaws_.
If you are not for yourself, who will be for you? If you are for yourself, then what are you?
If not now, when?...
Think much, speak little, and write less. However, if you are going to write
it is well to write what you think people think you think rather than what you think, because people have no idea what you think, and likely as not, are uninterested....
Friday: Freeze. FBI: the jig is up. Abe: All right, I admit i
I am the Lindbergh baby. Waah! Waah! Goo goo....
Love is always open arms. With arms open you allow love to come and go as it wills, freely, for it will do so anyway.
If you close your arms about love you'll find you are left only holding yourself....
If you knew it, when did you know you knew?
You will never know until you have found out, and when you do find out, you may well wish you had not known.