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Did You Hear About The Logician Who Got A Kidney Stone From Too Much Dirty Dancing?
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Did you hear about the logician who got a kidney stone from too much dirty
dancing? It was diagnosed as a lambada calculus.
Did you hear about the secretary that got fired because she had one too mini.
Did you hear about the couple on the stalled elevator who got off between floors.
Did you hear about the fellow who decided to start procrastinating but never got around to it.
Did you hear about the fellow who got ten years for pumping ethyl behind the station.
Did you hear about the woman who got out of a taxi, and charged the driver five bucks.
Did you hear about the guy who died from snorting saccharine? Yeah, he thought it was diet coke.
Did you hear about the cowboy who got himself a dachshund?
Everyone kept telling him to get a long, little doggie....
Did you hear about the 97-year-old prostitute who got herself listed in the Yellow Pages and now claims to be the oldest trick in the book.
Did you hear about the Las Vegas high roller who would flip his nightly callgirl to see if he got head or tail.