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Geraldo Rivera Wants To Do A Live Special About Us, But We Know Better.
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Geraldo Rivera wants to do a live special about us, but we know better.
Geraldo Rivera: Genetic experiment gone bad?
Do we know much about women? Do we? We don't. We know when they're happy, we know when they're crying, we know when they're pissed off.
We just don't know what order those are gonna come at us. -- Evan Davi...
Want to call Geraldo Rivera. He has an 800 number! Simply dial 1-800-TRASH-TV
What do we know about the beyond? Do we know what's behind the beyond?
I'm afraid some of us hardly know what's beyond the behind. -- Brother Theodore...
Forgive us, for we know not what we do. Not that we CARE or anything.
We lie about the truth, that's what ruins us here. And do you know why we lie about the truth?
Not because we like to, but because we are scared to death of it....
Owner: So you kids fancy yourselves experts, eh? Ba
Well, between us we've read all 814 issues of "Radioactive Man"....
Richard, in being so fierce toward my vampire, you were doing what you wanted to do, even though you thought it was going to hurt somebody else.
He even told you he'd be hurt if..." "He was going to suck my blood!...
Listen, Tyrone, you don't know how dangerous that stuff is.
Suppose someday you just plug in and go away and never come back?...