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A Harvard Neurologist Has Found That Caffeine Is A Good All-purpose Insecticide
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A Harvard neurologist has found that caffeine is a good all-purpose
insecticide: it kills off such nasties as mosquito larvae and tobacco
hornworms. The conclusion (apologies to Hack Wilson): drink enough
coffee and you won't have bugs!
Princeton's taste is sweet like a strawberry tart. Harvard's is a subtle taste, like whiskey, coffee, or tobacco.
It may even be a bad habit, for all I know. -- Prof. J. H. Finley '25...
Fish are said to have good eyesight, but many breeds are hard of herring.
( Apologies on this one, all around, of course!)...
Are you sick of wasting valuable seconds while ingesting caffeine or eating a cold pizza?
Is your programming project running behind because you keep falling asleep?...
I have come to the conclusion that I am not in good enough shape at the present time to get in shape for the future right now.
Lisa: Wow, look at all this Be Sharps merchandise. Lunch boxes.
.. coffee mugs...funny foam...[squirts some on Homer] Home...
RAID - Kills bugs DEAD!!!
If your eyes hurt after you drink coffee, you have to take the spoon out of the cup.
-- Norm Crosby...
This morning I caught my wife in a lie ... I'm sitting there in the kitchen, having some coffee, biscuits, some jelly.
About eleven-thirty my old lady came in, and her wig was amuss....