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Here Ya Are Pilgrim. Skin That 'un, And I'll Go Getcha Another'n.
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Here ya are pilgrim. Skin that 'un, and I'll go getcha another'n.
Hibbert: Aaah. Diagnosis -- delicious. Homer: I've got the presciption for you, another hot beef injection!
Wiggum: Uuuh, Homer? Bring me another one of those....
I 'll go his halves. -- Francis Rabelais (1495-1553) -- Works, Book iv, Chap. xxiii
Here 's to the maiden of bashful fifteen; Here 's to the widow of fifty
Here 's to the flaunting, extravagant quean, And here 's to the housewife that 's thrifty!...
Ms.K: Bart, if I were you and you were me, would you give back the yo-yo?
Bart: [imagines himself, yo-yo in hand. Ms. Krabappel is inches tall] Here ya go....
And when with envy Time, transported, Shall think to rob us of our joys, You 'll in your girls again be courted, And I 'll go wooing in my boys.
-- Thomas Percy (1728-1811) -- Winifreda (1720)...
Ya got another objection? Hmmm?
If there's another way to skin a cat, I don't want to know about it. -- Steve Kravitz
Hey, wait a minute. This is a script! There must be a writer around here somewhere.
"Ya know, I never thought of it, but there's a logic to that....
So we 'll go no more a-roving So late into the night. -- Lord Byron (1788-1824) -- So we 'll go