:HLL: /H-L-L/ n. [High-Level Language (as opposed to assembler)]
Found primarily in email and news rather than speech. Rarely, the
variants `VHLL' and `MLL' are found. VHLL stands for
`Very-High-Level Language' and is used to describe a
{bondage-and-discipline language} that the speaker happens to
like; Prolog and Backus's FP are often called VHLLs. `MLL' stands
for `Medium-Level Language' and is sometimes used half-jokingly to
describe {C}, alluding to its `structured-assembler' image.
See also {languages of choice}.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
PostScript:: n. A Page Description Language ({PDL}) based on
work originally done by John Gaffney at Evans and Sutherland in
1976, evolving through `JaM' (`John and Martin', Martin Newell) at
{XEROX PARC}, and finally implemented in its current form by
John Warnock et al....
PostScript n.
A Page Description Language (PDL)
based on work originally done by John Gaffney at Evans and
Sutherland in 1976, evolving through `JaM' (`John and Martin',
Martin Newell) at XEROX PARC, and finally implemented in its
current form by John Warnock et al....
bondage-and-discipline language: A language (such as {{Pascal}}
{{Ada}}, APL, or Prolog) that, though ostensibly general-purpose,
is designed so as to enforce an author's theory of `right
programming' even though said theory is demonstrably inadequate for
systems hacking or even vanilla general-purpose programming....