How Many Amish -- Does It Take To Screw In A Light Bulb?

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-- How many
-- does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Amish don't have light bulbs. They bake pies.
Note: The Amish are a people, also known as the "Pennsylvania
Dutch", who mostly (though not exclusively) live in
southeastern Pennsylvania and are noted for their religion.
They adhere to a strict code of living that forbids using
such modern conveniences as electricity and automobiles, and
indeed often look and act as if they were time travelers from
the early nineteenth century (they drive around in horse and
buggy carts). They are descended from German Protestant
immigrants of that time (hence the "Dutch" as the immigration
people misunderstood "Deutsch", the answer they gave for
nationality). Their quaint lifestyle draws many people to SE
PA every year, where they often have a chance to sample their
sweet pies and cakes. Hence the joke.
