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Annoying Proverbs Are The Kind That Are Repeated With Such Frequency That They Grate On Your Nerves Each Time You Hear Them.
Fortune Cookies
Annoying proverbs are the kind that are repeated with such frequency that
they grate on your nerves each time you hear them. --Steve
Bart: What's the matter with you, soldier! Boy: It's my nerves, sir.
I just can't stand the barking any more. Bart: Your nerves!...
Going to the dentist can be more a matter of attitude than anything else.
It can be a drilling time, or it can bore you to death....
If you begin the day with love in your heart, peace in your nerve
and truth in your mind, you not only benefit by their presence but also bring them to others, to your family and friends, and to all those whose destiny draws across your path that day....
That saying which I hear commonly repeated,--that time assuages sorrow.
-- Terence (185-159 BC) -- Heautontimoroumenos, Act iii, Sc. 1, 12, (421.)...
Did you hear about the recent survey that showed that the average young bachelor is more interested in high frequency than high fidelity.
And here's a way to befuddle the *callee* rather than the calle
Record someone's answering machine message as you hear it, and then play it back to them as your message to them....
If you don't want your children to hear what you are sayin, pretend you're talking to them.
-- Covert Conversation Code...
You can't go through a locked steel grate!
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.