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Steel Magnolias Our Ability To Accessorize Is What Separates Us From The Animals. --Olympia Dukaki
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Quotations - Film
Steel Magnolias
Our ability to accessorize is what separates us from the animals.
--Olympia Dukakis
Lister: Love is what separates us from animals Rimme
No, Lister -- what separates us from animals is that we don't use our tongues to clean our own genitals....
The ability of two men to put on gloves, stand toe-to-toe, and pummel each other into insensibility.
.. is what separates us from the animals. -- Jim, on Taxi...
Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals.
Except the weasel. -- Homer Simpson Boy-Scoutz n the Hood...
Language is all that separates us from the lower animals, and from the bureaucrats.
-- Adler's Distinctio...
Adler's Distinction: Language is all that separates us from the lower animals, and from the bureaucrats.
Homer: Weasling out of work is important to learn; it is what separates humans from animals.
Except for weasels. Episode: When Bart joins the Boy Scou...
Bart: OK, look: I made a terrible mistake. I wandered into a Junior Camper recruitment center, but what's done is done
I've made my bed, and ow I've got to weasel out of it....
Success is overrated. Incompetence is what we should revere- it marks us off from animals.
-- Stephen Pile...
Explanation separates us from astonishment, which is the only gateway to the incomprehensible.
-- Eugene Ionesco...