Quote #556 "Alas," Vanessa Sighed, "What Can One Do When One's Relationship Begins To Stale In Much The Same Way As A Day-old Cinnamon Roll Which Was Wrapped In Wax Paper Rather Than Having Been Sealed In Plastic

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Quote #556

"Alas," Vanessa sighed, "What can one do when one's relationship begins to
stale in much the same way as a day-old cinnamon roll which was wrapped in
wax paper rather than having been sealed in plastic, and can only be made
remotely palatable for a very brief period when reheated for a few seconds
in a microwave, after which it becomes even more revolting than it was in
the first place?"

-- Carol E. Scott's entry to the 2001 annual Bulwer-Lytton contest (Winner
in the category "Romance")
