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In Man, The Things Which Are Not Measurable Are More Important Than Those Which Are Measurable.
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Quotations By Famous People
In man, the things which are not measurable are more important than
those which are measurable.
Alexis Carrel
COMPONENT EQUIVALENCY NOTICE: The Subatomic Particles (Electrons, Protons, etc.
) Comprising This Product Are Exactly the Same in Every Measurable Respect as Those Used in the Products of Other Manufacturers, and No Claim to the Contrary May Legitimately Be Expressed or Implied....
coefficient of X n. Hackish speech makes heavy use of pseudo-mathematical metaphors.
Four particularly important ones involve the terms `coefficient', `factor', `index of X', and `quotient'....
Life is a game. In order to have a game, something has to be more important than something else.
If what already is, is more important than what isn't, the game is over....
A man sometimes devotes his life to a desire which he is not sure will ever be fulfilled.
Those who laugh at this folly are, after all, no more than mere spectators of life....
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.
The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that Nothing is worth war is much worse....
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.
The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that Nothing is worth war is much worse....
Develop no anxiety concerning those things which are not yet, nor those things which were but are no longer.
The shortest measurable interval of time is the time between the moment I put a little extra aside for a sudden emergency and the arrival of that emergency.