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Progress Does Not Consist Of Replacing A Theory That Is Wrong With One That Is Right.
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Quotations By Famous People
Progress does not consist of replacing a theory that is wrong with one
that is right. It consists of repacing a theory that is wrong with one
that is more subtly wrong.
-- Hawkin's Theory of Progress
Progress does not consist in replacing a theory that is wrong with one that is right.
It consists of replacing a theory that is wrong with one that is more subtly wrong....
Progress means replacing a theory that is wrong with one more subtly wrong.
Right theory, wrong universe.
To get a bachelor's degree in economics one must propose an economic theory.
To get a master's degree in economics one must prove it wrong....
Progress at best consists of replacing errors with more subtle errors.
When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets.
The theory used to be that you marry an older man because they are more mature.
The new theory is that men don't mature. So you might as well marry a younger one....
Hibbert: You know, isn't it interesting how the left -- or sinister -- twin is invariably the evil one.
I had this theory that... Wait a minute. Hugo's scar is on the wrong side....
In theory, theory is the same as reality. In reality it's not.