Skinner: This overcrowding in detention is becoming critical. It's a
powderkeg waiting to go off in an explosion of unacceptable
Doris: Don't bitch to me, boss man. Thanks to the latest budget cuts
I'm down to using Grade F meat!
Skinner: Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was some sort of common
solution to both our problems?
Doris: That would be great.
Jimbo: Hey Bart, watch this. [trips Doris]
[stew splashes] Oh, no! My favorite outfit.
Skinner: [threatening] Jimbo, this is by far the worst --
[licks finger, says "Mmm", tries some more]
-- er, Jimbo, why don't you..._assist_ lunch lady Doris in the
Jimbo: Bite me, Skinner.
Skinner: Well might we.
-- Jimbo's meat is higher than grade F?,
"Treehouse of Horror V"