Marge: Stop It, Stop It, Stop It! [flicks Light On And Off] Ba

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Marge: Stop it, stop it, stop it! [flicks light on and off]
Bart: Mom, that is _really_ annoying.
Lisa: Bart started it.
Bart: Uh uh, Lisa started it.
Marge: I don't care _who_ started it. I don't ever want to see you two
fighting like that ever again. We love you both: you're _not_ in
competition with each other. Repeat: you are not in competition
with each other.
Homer: Hey! Apu just called. This Friday, Lisa's team is playing
Bart's team. You're in direct competition. And don't go easy on
each other just because you're brother and sister. I want to see
you both fighting for your parents' love!
[flicks light on and off]
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!...
-- How not to encourage your children, "Lisa on Ice"
