Harvey: A Romantic Vacation Can Provide Titillation.

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Harvey: A romantic vacation can provide titillation. Sensual, sanitary
seclusion awaits you at any of America's fine AAA-approved
motor lodges.
[they pull up to the "Aphrodite Inn"]
Marge: The Arabian Nights Room looks nice.
Homer: Ooh, the Pharaoh's Chamber has a vibrating sarcophagus.
Manager: Er, sorry there, Fred and Ethel, you should have made a
reservation. We only got one room left.
Quimby: [dressed in leopard skin] The toilet is overflowing in the
Caveman Room!
[Marge and Homer walk past "Safari Room" and "Camelot Room"]
Homer: Oh, here we are: [opens door] [lusty] the Utility Room.
[it's a real utility room with two cots]
Marge: This isn't very erotic. It's an actual utility room.
Homer: No, honey: it's a romantic fantasy. I imagine I'm the janitor
and you're...the janitor's wife, who has to live with me in the
utility room.
[they lie down on the cots]
Manager: [walking in] Don't mind me, folks, just need to get the old
wet-dry vac.
-- With occasional interruptions from the motel manager,
"Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy"
