Skinner: [ominous] Destroy That Balloon. Willy: Aye.

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Skinner: [ominous] Destroy that balloon.
Willy: Aye. [cocks a shotgun, shoots into the sky]
[two fighter planes fly overhead]
Pilot 1: Tango 14, we're being fired at. I'm getting an exact ID on the
bogey now.
[screen shows a silhouette of Willy and "Identify"]
[screen flashes "Iraqi fighter jet"]
Pilot 1: Iraqis again. Launching sidewinder missile.
[missile destroys the other plane]
Missed him. Launching second sidewinder missile.
[missile destroys his own plane]
Pilot 1: [parachuting] This is what happens when you cut money out of
the military and put it into health care!
Pilot 2: [parachuting] It's a good program! Just give it a chance,
that's all I ask.
[their parachutes fail; they crash to the ground]
-- Pros and cons of deficit reduction schemes,
"Bart's Comet"
