Kent: But first, we all stink!
Man: "We all"...hey!
Kent: That's according to a national survey ranking Springfield as
the least popular city in America.
[cut to Skinner tied to a stake on top of a pyre]
In science, dead last.
Skinner: I'm telling you people, the earth revolves around the sun!
Abe: Burn him! [lights the pyre]
Shutton: What a story! [takes a photo]
Abe: [chasing him] You've stolen my soul!
[cut to Krusty playing FDR in a play]
Kent: [voiceover] In culture, dead last.
Krusty: Eleanor, we've got to do something about this depression.
[starts walking toward her] So I propose -- oh, that's right!
I'm crippled, heh.
-- Not exactly Oscar material, "A Star is Burns"
Monty: [dropping a ring into a champagne glass] Now my dear, if you
look in your champagne, I think you'll find a little surprise --
[Jackie drinks it, swallows the ring, and chokes a little]
Heh, uh, not to worry, I believe there's another one around here
somewhere -- [reaches into boiling fondue, burns himself]
[kneeling] My darling, since my kneecaps are filling with fluid
as we speak....