Agent 2: Children, Where Are Your Parents? Lisa

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Agent 2: Children, where are your parents?
Lisa: I don't know. They should be here.
Goodman: Yes, they _should_ be here. Tsk, tsk. Those parents better
have a good excuse.
Homer: [walks in] Ah, I love getting away from this dump.
Marge: It's like I'm on some wonderful drug.
Goodman: Ahem --
Marge: What's going on here?
Goodman: Child welfare, ma'am.
Agent 2: Here's a little bedtime reading. [hands Marge a paper]
Marge: Mmm! "Squalid hellhole"? "Toilet paper hung in improper
overhand fashion"? "Dogs mating on dining room table"?
[SLH looks guilty and whines]
-- As opposed to trying to jump over one another,
"Home Sweet Home- Diddily-Dum-Doodily"
