Homer: Oh, Man: I've Only Got One Minute 'till They Stop Serving Those Breakfast Balls!

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Homer: Oh, man: I've only got one minute 'till they stop serving those
breakfast balls!
[stops behind Bush at the drive thru]
George: Let's see, now...what do you folks have here, huh? Hmm, a
"Krusty Burger"...that doesn't sound too appetizing. What kind
of stew do you have today?
Kid: [through order box] Uh...we don't have stew.
[Homer honks impatiently]
Ray: Sir, why don't you just have the cheeseburger?
George: Aw, that's really more of a weekend thing, Ray.
Homer: Hey, jerk! Move your fanny!
George: That guy's louder than World War II. Ray, go see what the
rhubarb is, will you?
[Ray goes back toward Homer's car]
Ray: Sir, could you pop your hood?
[Homer does so; Ray disables the horn]
Homer: Hey: my taxes paid for that horn!
-- George Bush does the drive thru, "Two Bad Neighbors"
