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A Laser Hits Jasper In The Eyes] Jasper: Oh! Cataracts Are Gone.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
{[a laser hits Jasper in the eyes]
Jasper: Oh! cataracts are gone. I can see again! All the beauty
of na --
[Another laser hits him in the eyes]
I'm blind. Oh well: easy come, easy go.}
-- Jasper's nonchalance over sight,
"Homer the Vigilante"
Homer: [expansive] So, how was everybody's day at school?
Bart: Horrifying! Lisa: Pointless! Marge: Exhausting....
Homer: Wait a minute...even Lenny is teaching a class!
Look at the way they admire and adore him....
Wiggum: We need two cups of coffee, and two orders of bite-sized breakfast pancakes.
With extra dipping sauce. Kid: Please pull up to the service window, please....
Burns: The one who shot me was...[camera pans to Smithers] Aah!
Aah! Waylon Smithers! Smithers: [pained] Noo! Wait a minute...
Homer: I caught the Cat Burglar! I caught the Cat Burglar!
That means you-ou! You are the Cat Burglar!...
I keep missing Rush Limbaugh. But with this laser sight...
Kent: After the meltdown, we can expect roving bands of.
.. Abe: Ah, I don't like this program. Jasper: Change the channel....
Jacques: First, you must get to know your lane. Feel the slickness, feel the slippery finish.
Caresses it, experience it. Quite smooth, isn't it?...
Wiggum: Wait a minute. If the second old geezer got shot, how come nobody reported it?
[at the old folks home, they pound on door 26] [Jasper answers] Wiggum...