Martin: [raises Hand] Mrs. Krabappel, I Also Have An Announcement To Make.

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Martin: [raises hand] Mrs. Krabappel, I also have an announcement
to make.
Krabappel: Can't it wait until I retire?
Martin: [clears throat and gets up] I want one and all to join me
in celebrating the anniversary of my portentous birth.
[begins to pass out invitations]
[gives one to Nelson] Here you are, Nelson.
Nelson: A birthday party? [makes raspberry noise, and shoves the
invitation to the floor]
Martin: [picks it up, and puts it back on the desk] Here you are,
[Nelson, again with the appropriate sound effect, knocks it
back to the floor]
[picks it up, and puts it back on the desk] Here you are,
Nelson: I said, [raspberry]
-- Book smart, socially stupid,
"Grade School Confidential"
