Lisa: Bart, If You Don't Want To Have A Babysitter, Maybe You Should Stop Being Such A Baby.

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Lisa: Bart, if you don't want to have a babysitter, maybe you
should stop being such a baby.
Bart: Oh, I'm a baby, huh? Well then I'll act like a baby. [takes
a huge bite of his chocolate ice cream] [it spills onto his
shirt] [Bart fills his cheeks with ice cream, his lips
covered in chocolate]
Ga-ga goo-goo!
Lisa: Even babies know how to open and close their mouths. You
need a bib. [straps a bib on Bart]
Bart: Oh baby hate bib! Waah! Waah! [starts banging his spoon on
Lisa's plate] [Maggie starts bawling]
Lisa: Oh, look, Bart! Now you got Maggie all upset!
Bart: Relax, I'll give her some ice cream. [feeds all his ice cream
to Maggie] [Maggie's eye pupil shrink]
Lisa: Bart, that's coffee ice cream. It has caffeine in it!!
[Maggie starts twitching her head and body around
Bart: Welp, at least that'll make things more interesting for you,
now won't it?
-- Bart, putting the "baby" in babysit, "My Sister,
My Sitter"
