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You'll Be Getting More Than Just A Lawyer, Mr. Simpson.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
You'll be getting more than just a lawyer, Mr. Simpson.
You'll also be getting this exquisite faux pearl necklace,
a $99 value, as our gift to you.
-- "Bart Gets Hit by a Car"
Mr. Simpson, the state bar forbids me from promising you a big cash settlement.
But just between you and me, I promise you a big cash settlement....
I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?
-- Bart introduces himself to Satan, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
Hutz: Hutz is the name, Mr. Simpson. Lionel Hutz, attorney at law.
Here's my card. It turns into a sponge when you put it in water....
Success is getting up just one more time than you fall.
Homer: If I wasn't so spineless, I'd march into Mr.
Burns' office right now and... Smithe...
Homer: Mr. Burns, are you trying to get me drunk? Bu
Yes. -- A brief moment of honesty from Monty Burns, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
Ah, Simpson. At last we meet. -- Mr.
Burns, calling Homer in regarding Bart's accident, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
You are getting more and more confused.
Bart: So, Mr. Itchy, you think you're God's gift to women, do you?
Lisa: Don't do it, Bart. [Bart pulls a stink bomb from his "Li'l Bastard Traveling Kit" and slingshots it straight into Itchy's mouth] Itchy...