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Heh, Heh, Imagine Me In A Nuclear Power Plant. KaBOOM!
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Heh, heh, Imagine me in a nuclear power plant. KaBOOM!
-- Homer thinks about life after graduation,
"The Way We Was"
Dick: Well, my time's almost up here, so, uh, I'd just like to say.
..I know Woody Allen. [a couple of people clap halfheartedly] Home...
Laura's mother: Well, I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes.
I want to be fixed up with one of your friends as soon as you can arrange it....
Homer: Now just meet me back here after the show. Ba
Thanks, Dad. Sure you're not going to be bored? Home...
Heh heh heh.
Heh heh heh. Oh, Andy Capp. You wife-beating drunk.
Heh heh heh. -- Homer reads the funnies, "Marge vs. the Monorail...
Ned: I'm talking about your, heh heh, potty-mouth.
Homer: What the hell are you talking about? -- "Bart the Love...
Counselor: Do you have any plans for after graduation?
Homer: Me? I'm gonna drink a lot of beer and stay out ALL NIGHT....
Rev.: We must bait our hooks with honesty. That way, a happy marriage, heh heh, won't be the one that got away.
Homer: I see. [sotto voce] He also understands bowling expressions....
Bart: I'll gonna knock you out one more time and that's it, this is getting boring man!
Homer: [smirking] Try not to kill me too hard, son. Heh heh heh. -- "Moaning Lisa...