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Smithers: That Simpsons Boy Is Looking At 180 Years.
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The Simpsons
Smithers: That Simpsons boy is looking at 180 years.
Burns: Thank God we live in a country so hysterical over crime that a
ten-year-old child can be tried as an adult.
-- "Bart the Murderer"
Larry: Hey, I'm looking for this guy. [shows an old picture of Burns] Anyone know who he is?
Bart: Yeah, sure, we know him. That's Mr. Burns....
Bart: Inside every hardened criminal beats the heart of a ten-year-old boy.
Lisa: And vice-versa. -- "The Brother From Another Serie...
Wiggum: Wait a minute. If the second old geezer got shot, how come nobody reported it?
[at the old folks home, they pound on door 26] [Jasper answers] Wiggum...
They spend years searching for their natural parents, convinced their parents will be happy to see them.
I mean, really, can you imagine someone being happy to see an orphan?...
Conover: And Bart's childish taunting agitated the Aussies further.
Homer: Oh, he'll agitate you. Ho, ho! He sure will....
Smithers: [chuckles] Perfect. When I give the signal, you transfer the call to Mr.
Burns. After she tears into him I'll rush in and save the day....
Troy: [voiceover] A few years back, Bart was adopted by Mr.
Burns. In this very special outtake, Homer attempts a reconciliation with his estranged son....
Hutz: Mr. Simpson, you've been the boy's father for ten years.
Do you really think he could be the leader of a murderous criminal syndicate?...
And did I mention to you that the monster is a ten-year-old boy?
[zoom in on Bart] Quite a twist, huh? Bet you didn't see that one coming....